Joint Statement of the 2nd ASEAN Finance and Health Ministers Meeting “ASEAN’s Path to Health and Finance Collaboration for Sustainable Health System Resilience” 8 August 2024

The ASEAN Finance and Health Ministers Meeting (AFHMM) was convened on 8 August 2024
to reaffirm ASEAN commitment to discuss critical steps in enhancing finance and health
collaboration to promote sustainable health care financing systems and improving health
outcomes across the region.

  1. The meeting recognized the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on public health
    and economies in ASEAN, and are committed to strengthening economic and health
    capacities to manage public health emergencies.
  2. The meeting further recognized the important roles of economic growth and stability, and
    by leveraging on inter-sectoral actions and strategies, we aim to ensure a healthy, caring
    and sustainable ASEAN Community, complementing global health efforts and
    strengthening the global health architecture.
  3. The meeting recalled the Joint Statement of the 31st ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
    (ASCC) Council on 24 March 2024 which commended the convening of the first AFHMM
    as a stepping stone to build closer collaboration between Health and Finance sectors and
    looked forward to the convening of the 2nd AFHMM; and the Joint Statement of the 11th
    ASEAN Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting (AFMGM) on 5 April
    2024 which encouraged officials to further discuss the proposal to convene the 2nd
    ASEAN Finance and Health Ministers Meeting.
  4. The meeting adopted the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the establishment of the Working
    Group on Finance and Health Collaboration, which will facilitate cross-sectoral
    coordination between ASEAN Ministries of Finance and Ministries of Health.
  5. The meeting tasked the Working Group to discuss and seek to address the intersection of
    finance and health considerations, recognizing the interconnectedness of these two
    sectors in promoting public health and well-being through the exchange of experiences
    and best practices, and coordination between Finance and Health sectors.
  6. The meeting tasked the Working Group to undertake activities that have additionality to
    the existing initiatives under both ASEAN finance and health track, and focus beyond what
    each track can individually achieve. The Working Group should focus on harnessing
    synergies through collaboration and avoid duplicating activities or mechanisms
    undertaken at either track.
  7. The meeting agreed to enhance collaboration and coordination with international
    stakeholders, dialogue and development partners, civil society, and the private sector, to
    strengthen regional capacity in delivering a healthy, caring and sustainable ASEAN
  8. The meeting was pleased with the acknowledgement from the WHO, for countries in
    accordance with national context and priorities, in recognizing the need for a holistic
    approach when making decisions regarding the well-being of people, though WHA
    Resolution WHA77.13 which urges on the interlinkage between health and the economy
    and include an economy of well-being perspective horizontally into national policies and
    put people and their health and well-being at the centre of policy-making and further noted
    the WHO investment round to mobilize resources for the next 4 years (2025-2028) to
    improve the health of the population and achieve the health-related SDGs.
  9. The meeting was pleased with the good collaboration among Ministers of the two sectors
    at AFHMMs on 24 August 2023 and 8 August 2024. To convene an AFHMM, the Working
    Group shall discuss and prepare a proposal which will be submitted to seek views and
    approval from the Ministers of the AFMGM and AHMM after endorsement from their senior
    officials (AFDM and SOMHD).
  10. The Meeting appreciated Lao PDR for the effective Chairmanship and excellent
    arrangements for the meeting, and look forward to see the progress of collaboration
    between Finance and Health sectors. The Meeting also appreciated Indonesia’s strong
    support for the advancement of the initiative.

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